Total Knee Arthroplasty
A total knee replacement is a surgery that involves resurfacing the ends of the thigh and shin bone with metal components and placing a specialized plastic in between these components. The metal implants are sized and cemented onto the ends of the bones after the bones are cut to accommodate the new components. This creates a new gliding surface for the knee joint, which alleviates pain and results in improved range of motion, function, and quality of life.

Why Knee Arthroplasty
A total knee arthroplasty in layman’s terms is a knee replacement. An incision is made (about 8 in) in the front of a patient’s knee under clean conditions. Dr. Faulkner and his assistant will identify many anatomic structures and will place retractors that help protect those structures and allow for visualization. The Mako robot is used to cut the bone to accommodate the implants that are placed at the ends of the bone and to correct the alignment. Dr. Faulkner will then trial the new components to evaluate best anatomic fit for the patient. New components will be fixated to the remaining bone with either cement or will be press-fit with a component that has a porous metal. Several layers of tissue and the incision are closed and dressings will be placed over the incision.
- This surgery is most often performed under a spinal anesthetic with a nerve block and IV sedation, but is sometimes performed with a general anesthesia and nerve block. In all cases, local anesthesia is injected into the knee to help control pain after surgery.
- This surgery is usually outpatient, which means the patient generally leaves the day of surgery after being cleared by nursing staff and physical therapists.
- Surgery typically lasts 1.5-2 hours
- The incisions are closed with absorbable suture. The dressing that is applied in the operating room is waterproof, which means patients can shower immediately after surgery as long as there is a good seal around the dressing.
Robotic Technology
Science and technology are constantly evolving, thus so is our practice. We are fortunate to have experienced training in the Mako robotic technology for total knee arthroplasty. Patients will need to obtain a CT scan that is used as a guide for surgery. This CT gives a template to accurately cut the bone and select the correct size of implants based on the patient's anatomy. The Mako robot accounts for each individual knee being different, leading to excellent patient outcomes and allowing for quicker recovery and return to activity.
Please refer to this video to better understand how this technology works.
Frequently Asked
Yes! We encourage you to ambulate as much as possible after surgery to regain your range of motion. Physical therapists will work with you to help you regain your range of motion and strength.
You should not drive for 6 weeks if the operative leg is your right leg. If the operative leg is your left leg, we recommend not driving for a few days after surgery as long as you are not taking any narcotics.
A prescription for a narcotic will be given to you at your preoperative appointment. Instructions will be given for this medication and what other over the counter medications can be taken to control pain. Risks and side effects will also be discussed.
Outpatient physical therapy starts 2 days postop. It is ordered for twice a week and usually lasts several months, depending on progression of recovery.
TED hose are worn to prevent blood clots in the legs. These should be worn for several hours a day for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
Yes! You will need to take a blood thinner to help prevent blood clots. This will be prescribed at your preoperative appointment by Dr. Faulkner or his PA, Cara. The instructions for this medication will also be discussed at this appointment.
You may shower 24 hours after surgery. The dressing placed over the incision in surgery is waterproof. You may get this wet, but should not soak it in water. This dressing will be removed at your first postop appointment.